2021 Reflection
We end the year with a message of reflection and 2022 predictions from HubStars business owner, Michael O'Sullivan. 2021 Reflection "We are a platform powering thousands of partner dating [...]
clairemc12023-08-17T11:48:51+00:0021 December, 2021|
We end the year with a message of reflection and 2022 predictions from HubStars business owner, Michael O'Sullivan. 2021 Reflection "We are a platform powering thousands of partner dating [...]
clairemc12021-12-21T14:09:43+00:0021 December, 2021|
Our product team are making some significant enhancements to the 'Feed' area of our platform, introducing an 'Online Now' image grid with members that are online at the moment of [...]
clairemc12021-12-21T12:58:38+00:0021 December, 2021|
Our product team have been working on creating a truly personalised dating experience for our members, with the introduction of three new personal detail sections on the horizon. Collecting more [...]
clairemc12021-12-21T16:03:39+00:0021 December, 2021|
Last month we announced the rollout of our new Next-Gen templates for partners to utilise within our Site Designer Tool. We have seen a 15% increase in revenue per [...]
clairemc12021-12-21T09:46:55+00:0021 December, 2021|
It’s Christmas again! Although Christmas this year will again be filled with socialising and mingling among friends and family, you will find that Christmas can be the loneliest time [...]
clairemc12021-11-25T16:03:35+00:0025 November, 2021|
Advertisers may have you seeing the tougher approach updates to Google policies as the Grinch, but there is a potential windfall. Lower CPAs and higher search volumes may be the [...]
clairemc12021-11-25T15:56:51+00:0025 November, 2021|
December is always a great time for a dating brand and this year Christmas Eve falls on a Friday. Whether it is important to you personally or not, you shouldn't ignore [...]
clairemc12021-11-24T20:56:59+00:0024 November, 2021|
We have launched a new Next-Gen template for partners within the Site Designer Tool. This has been built for Google search traffic, includes no javascript and is great for low CPA [...]
clairemc12021-11-24T20:11:08+00:0023 November, 2021|
We have updated our in-house offers page with the latest high performing niches and brands for you to monetise your traffic with. Boasting a portfolio of over twenty offers [...]
clairemc12021-11-02T15:45:28+00:002 November, 2021|
We are excited to announce the launch of our newest video series, Digital Insights, hosted by our Acquisition Team. They will be providing monthly videos with valuable tips and [...]